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AWS Cloud Migration Strategy

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AWS Managed Services, an offering of tools and services, to configure, manage and monitor infrastructure management tasks for AWS cloud deployments. AWS Managed Services facilitate cloud migration and automation of cloud management tasks such as patch management, change requests, provisioning, incident monitoring, security and backup services. As a trusted AWS Managed Service Provider, we help you recognise and leverage the befitting practices of such advantages to enhance cloud performance at optimal operational overhead.

Cloud Mentor, a distinctive integrant of QR Solutions is an ensemble of cloud migration services, which maintains and monitors the AWS environment on your behalf. Cloud Mentor accelerates cloud adoption by administering the standard use-cases of enterprises in the customary proceedings of the numerous attributes of infrastructure management and, cost reduction. Our team of certified AWS professionals guarantees you exceptional and relentless assistance in managing and maintaining cloud native services to propel your bottom-line growth.

Cloud Mentor

Cloud Mentor a custom made offering by QR Solutions to manage the AWS Cloud native services to achieve maximum operational excellence.

  • SLA Adherence
  • 24×7 Global Support
  • Infrastructure Augmentation
  • Automation
  • Maintenance and Monitoring
  • Network Security Management
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Cost Optimization

QRS Capabilities

To know more about our facilities and services, talk to our experts at +61280045244. Contact us today for a grandeur technical alliance!

A robust guarded AWS infrastructure shielded with intrusion detection and prevention systems, offering a higher level of security to sensitive data and information. Multiple authentication mechanisms can be conveniently managed, allowing access to AWS resources through corporate credentials. A gradational process is provided to extend corporate security policy to the cloud environment to fortify a successful cloud adoption.

AWS Managed Services offers an integrated ensemble of services that facilitates the creation and management of centralized data repositories. AWS Landing Zone institutes a shielded multi-account AWS environment by deploying AWS Account Vending Machine (AVM) for provisioning and automatic configuration of new accounts, also offering an initial security baseline which includes AWS Cloud Trail, AWS Config, AWS Identity and Access Management and Cross-Account Access.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and RDS snapshots allows for the automated backup of cloud stacks and recovery when the system being subjected to chance disruptions and failures. The entirety of backup activities and updates is regulated by AWS Managed Services to upgrade resources to the current environment. Integral security patches released by OS vendors are implemented immediately to ensure the seamless continuity of business operations.

AWS Code Deploy, a completely managed deployment service automates application/code deployments to any instance such as Amazon ECS services, Amazon EC2 instances and instances running on-premises, thereby replacing fallible manual methods. AWS CodeDeploy monitors the health of applications and effectuates rolling deployment across targets, reducing application downtime and unpredicted errors in software updates.

High-geared Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is an orchestration service that simplifies the scaling of containerized applications on AWS. Supports Docker containers for distributed applications those operate on microservers and permits developers to define rules for remote Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances . Amazon ECS high integration with AWS services such as Amazon VPC, AWS IAM, AWS Fargate, Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Cloud Formation and suchlike, expedites the running of an extensive selection of container applications.

A meticulous monitoring of overall fettle and functioning of infrastructure resources to interpret unforeseen incidents and launch suitable solutions. AWS Managed Services detects and investigates alerts to rectify incidents, to diminish and prevent service interruptions.AWS CloudWatch provides access to the operational data, stored in the format of metrics, logs and events, presenting a consolidated view of the operational health. AWS CloudTrail enables users to log and continuously monitor account activity across AWS infrastructure, also providing an event history of account actions.


Are you interested in learning more about managed services or would you like to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation? Let us know!


AWS Managed Services

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NSW – 2137.